Dimension generic Annotation Elements from nearest grids (dynamo script snip attached)

Hi all I am trying to give dimension to generic annotation elements from the nearest Vertical and Horizontal grids but somehow always fails to give correct dimension. I think i am not being able to understand “Reference Plane” required to create dimensions.

Any help and guidance would be much appreciated, thanks

SOP-RadialPortion.dyn (58.6 KB)


Are you able to show the geometry preview in Dynamo and show all of the node information in a screenshot. Without seeing where your lines and points are, it’s difficult for me at least to provide good helpful guidance.

One thing to note, if I remember correctly, the line that that node is asking for is the line to place the dimension string, and the references are where the dimension is starting and stopping.

Hi @patrick_podeyn , I am getting line which seems correct, Paralle to grids

Can you show the rest of your nodes outputs and what the result is in Revit?

I have attached dyn file, i was working on my office machine so currently I don’t have access to it!

Hi @sovitek, could you please have a look and guide me what i am doing wrong

Hi @Vinay do you have a small rvt sample we can try on ?

Hi @sovitek, I am trying it on Live project, but i did tried it on autodesk sample projects(thinking coordinates or project setup might be causing issue)and i got same result

allright not really sure, but seems for your annotion family isnt the right referencetype…try this one instead and see if it could work…just an example