Hi all,
Recently I have been attempting to dimension from the actual faces of a wall in a Section/Elevation View in order to show overall Length & Height, and Openings.
I have had some minimal success with the DimensionBYElement node that was recently added to dynamo. but only after adding detail lines to the view and dimensioning between them.
A few things I have learned:
- If you can project the line that you want to offset the dimension to in dynamo, it does not necessarily need to exist on the same plane as the section cut; it only needs to be perpendicular with the elements that are being dimensioned; it can also be placed beyond the crop region.
*The elements that you want to dimension seem like they must be on the section view cut plane, not just within the view depth.
*Dynamo seems to have trouble with referencing extracted parts of an element instead of just referencing separate elements altogether - that is the part I need the most help with.
Thanks to all who have been active in helping figure these sorts of thing out.
Any insight would be appreciated!