Detailcomponent.bycurve node

I am trying to create a routine that works for a regional office. They use a nonstandard line-based family on plans. The intent is to get window locations from the linked model then load the families and apply the lined based family overtop off them in the active plan then tag. i am getting the curve information no problems. The issue is getting the family type to work. The image shows my setup. This does not work. it gives a null on the detailcomponent.bycurve. but if the family is loaded and I point to it using the Family Types node it works and places the families properly.

Looks like you are passing in the family type as a list. Try passing it in as a singleton (using List.FirstItem after the boolean mask node).

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i tried List.FirstItem and i tried just passing 1 to load. its still a no go

nevermind. that worked. I needed to flatten first.

Thanks for the help!