Detail items Areal calculation - Limited calculation to filter

i have this very useful script which helps me to make calculation of the filled region:

Everything working fine in simple situasjon. Problem occurs when i work in huge project and there ar tons of filled region, alot of them er deliberetly grouped and this script doesn’t cope with that very well. I would like to limit functionality of this script to filled regions which contains filter parameter…
Thanks a lot for any help beforehand :slight_smile:

checkout this simple filtering

or limit action of the script to specific view, would help also I think…

I am very new in Dynamo world :slight_smile:

I believe you need this?

a question though, why are you feeding the area values to another parameter, what is the purpose of this script?

You cannot schedule areas in filled region, in order to schdule them it need to be transposed by this script.

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yeah but keep in mind it will not auto update as the builtin parameter

I am still baffled this still can’t be done in Revit :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

This is why we use the same approach (if needed in a project).

Agree… i cope with that in som other clumsy way… But still thanks a lot guys!