Isolate Fillled Region by Name to get their Area

Hi. i have a script i came up with by doing research online, but i cant figure something out. i have to find the areas of a bunch of filled regions in revit, but when i run the script, i get errors in some files becuase it wants to explode detail groups within the model.
i’d like to isolate the the script to certain filled regions that have a specific term in the name of the filled regions (_HCR)
i’m not really great with Dynamo and my boss is down my neck to get this done. if anyone could help me out, that would be amazing
Thank you so much!

Take one element out of the list of filtered items (List.FirstItem) and check what options you have for parameters to work with via the Element.Parameters node. One of those should report the filed region type (from which you can pull the name) or the filled region type name. That can be fed into a String.Contains node with the string name you’re after.

Alternatively (and this likely will be faster executing), you can look to gather all elements of the one filled region type to start with.

thank you Jacob, ill give that a try

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Hi Jacob, since you helped me last time i wonder if you can help me with something else non dynamo related, but having to do with the areas i was pulling from that dynamo script. i’m trying to round down a formula, but i keep getting an error message of Inconsistant Units. i’m multiplying the area i get from a filled region * 1 sf to turn it into an area. but when i multiply 33 of these regions, the square footage number is creeping up because its being rounded up every time. does that make any sense
thanks in advance for any help

Best to ask in a Revit forum, as this doesn’t seem to be a Dynamo thing.

Rounding before totally will result in differing sums though.

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