DesignScript If-statement not working when trying to convert ModelCurves/Grids into Dynamo Lines

Hi all,

I have a script and I would like it to work with both ModelCurves or Grids as input selection by the end user seamlessly. I have gotten it to work, using the nodes on the right, so it’s not a big deal if I can’t get the DesignScript to work but I would like to understand why my DesignScript doesn’t work here.

PS: The function.apply nodes on the right are just to suppress unwanted errors when trying to convert lines using the Grid.Curve node.

DSCore.Object.Type(elements) == "Revit.Elements.Grid" ?
	Grid.Curve(elements) :

You’re asking if a DSCore.List object is a Grid. The answer is ‘no more than my grocery list is dinner’ so this looks right to me.

Try asking @L1 or with longest lacing or specify the data structure. :slight_smile:

I’m not too familiar with apply list levels and list lacing directly in DesignScript, how would I do that? I’m going to check it in the documentation now but thought to let you know in the meantime.

Hey, list levels in design script are pretty straight forward

use block to code on some test notes to get a hang of things:

list lacing is atleast for me a little more complex:

Source is on Page 28:
DesignScriptGuide_.pdf (460.1 KB)

Glood luck

Thanks for the suggestion @Huettig , however I just can’t get the Grid.Curve to give me anything, no matter what level or lacing option. The Element.Geometry ‘option’ works fine though

The problem is that Element.Geometry returns a list. Just use an If statement with CurveElement.Curve instead of Element.Geometry.

Thanks @Nick_Boyts !! I already suspected something regarding that but wasn’t able to get it to work. I knew there was a node specifically for getting the geometry from Revit curves but couldn’t find it so I tried Element.Geometry instead.