Delete Unused room names

Hello guys ,
I transferred couple of projects standards into a new project I’m working on. The problem is it added some Room names that don’t exist in the project and there is quite a bunch which are not useful. I tried to create a schedule to filter the Room names and delete them, but they won’t show up for some reason ,not sure if it’s normal. So is there any workaround in Dynamo that might be helpful to delete the unused room names?

Hi @mustanachar

You can use any of the below custom nodes:


You can also do without custom nodes , select all by category(rooms) and filter rooms where area is 0.0

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Don’t forget if you have Color Schemes set up by Room Name, the predefined names in that Scheme will populate the Name dropdown for your Rooms.

If you’re sure that the Names are not coming from unplaced/non-enclosed Rooms check your Room Color Schemes.

It looks like the settings for Color Schemes are not exposed (yet).

@Bjorn_Keulemans1 , it is as you suggested .I deleted all the predefined Color Scheme and it cleared all the Rooms name ! !
@Kulkul , @jonathan.talisman I tried all the proposed nodes but still with no luck.

Solution|690x447 .

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