Delete Revit links from model and add name of futurable linked models


By client requierement, I have to submitt the model removing all linked models and then, showing the name of the client models into the link manager (we don’t have those models), in order to be linked by them after submission.

First of all, when I try to remove the linked models, Revit still shows them in the link manager and in the navigator:

As per dynamo, there are nothing:

When I remove that data, What I need it’s to show the new file names, without more information, in order to client could find the proper models to link.

How could i do all this steps?

no one?

delete all Links.dyn (11.0 KB)
before delevering, we clean our models in this way…
…this script is old 1.3.2. i think you have to change some packages.

Based on your script, lot of thanks, I could do it with those simples nodes:

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Hi frodriguezmXYFSS,
First thanks for the share,

Does this script also save the “delete action” of the links in the files where there are located ?
So if the links are also use in others Revit project will it be okay too ?

Thanks in advance.
