Removing links from another document

I am a beginner Dynamo user.
I am trying to create a dynamo that would remove (not unload) links from all revit models in each directory.
As an introduction to the project, I decided to create a dynamo that would open a specific file in memory, select all elements of a given type (RevitLinkInstance and RevitLinkType), delete them, and then save the file.
Unfortunately, a problem arises, Dynamo for some reason does not want to delete either the link instance or the link itself when it does so in a document loaded in memory. I suspect that it is strenuously trying to delete the specified elements in the file from which the dynamo is executed.
I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, I’ve searched half the internet, but haven’t found an answer to my problem.
I attach a screenshot of the problem and my .dyn file
To create this dynamo, I used nodes from add-ons: Rhythm, GeniusLoci and ClockWork 2.
Please help :slightly_smiling_face:

LinksBulkRemove.dyn (28.0 KB)

Hello @Gooral2137 and welcome here…you could try Birdtool and then just build your graph with ootb nodes…and its free :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your answer!
Your solution works quite slowly… but it works :grin:
Inspired by your idea, I found a similar solution that can script the task in .bat
It’s a pity that such a feature is not provided by your proposed Dynamo Multiplayer, I would love to use it if it could do that.
Nevertheless, thanks, I will still try to post the complete solution to the problem here for posterity in the days to come, although the matter can already be considered solved.

Dont think BVN batch prcessor is faster as it should open and close Revit, where Birdtool do it without open/close Revit, and true Birdtool dont support batch with windows schedule as BVN

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Why not just use e-transmit on the models? You won’t get faster than that and you can purge the data quickly and completely.