DataShape_Filter Element by parameter Value

Dear All,
I’m trying to get all the elements by Assembly code values with the Data-Shpapes package.
It selects elements with another value and always same selection even if I change the values.
Any suggestions, this is my first time using this package


I modified the script, first, selecting the category and then filtering all assembly codes in all elements. Now it works but select only one element I believe (element type) not instance.

You’re providing a unique list of Assembly Code values but the full list of elements. This is causing a mismatch in lists. Instead, you want to group the elements by Assembly Code value so that you have a list of elements for each unique assembly code.

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Once did a trick with dictionaries to get the item

Hello Nick,
Correct I should sort by key to match the 2 lists, but the problem is still there. I don’t know why only filtered one Element Type

You used SortByKey which is now giving you one element per selection. You need to use GroupByKey to create sublists of all elements with the same value.