Hi All, quick question how do i get/put logo before description? same as shown below…Thanks in advance
wire an image file into the “Logo_optional” input.
Thanks @Jacob…I tried that but still not showing…hhhmn
That’s a file. You have to read the contents of the image before you can use it for anything. I think Image.ReadFromFile is the node name.
As of now you cannot change that “image”
Hi @interactiverendering ,
this is a little more complicated than it appears to be. In order to remove the close button from the form (because it would make Revit crash in some cases) I had to remove that logo too. I’ll try and bring it back and let you know
thanks mostafa…great work!
I’ve done the above steps, but my logo is coming in stretched to fill the whole UI Box. How can I force data-shapes to not scale my logo?
Hello to all,
I did follow instruction from the link:
But my sample logo does not display (please see image below). Any suggestions?
Connect from file path node in order to show logo.
Thank you very much Deniz.
If someone looking at this topic in the future, File Path block need to go directly to “Logo_optional” (“UI.Image Data” block is not necessary).
Hi @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi , would you mind elaborating on how you removed the close button from the form? Thanks!
Hi @Colton_Haney ,
Could you please start a new topic? This topic is dating all the way back to 2017.