Hi everyone~
I’m starting learning data-shapes just now, and I found my text or logo can’t be shown corretly in the UI box .Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
data shapes issue.dyn (15.7 KB)
Hi everyone~
I’m starting learning data-shapes just now, and I found my text or logo can’t be shown corretly in the UI box .Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
data shapes issue.dyn (15.7 KB)
Any type of modification to the UI has to be done using data-shape’s own custom node with list.create. so you can just use OOTB node to directly plug into the UI.multipleinputform ++
more information can be found through data-shape website
You need to plug it into logo_optional as a file path.
Alternatively, you can use the image node at the end of your input list to place a wider/larger logo at the bottom of your input list.
If these do not work, check the format of your image file. I suggest PNG, as it supports alpha channel in the UI also (interface shows from behind).
Thanks. I’ll get some try with using the custom node. In fact, I changed the number of width in the Python script to show all of the words:joy:
Thanks. Actually only the default logo can’t be shown in my situation. But your suggestion is quite instereting!