Data Shapes in Civil 3D

Hi all,

I’ m trying to use data-shapes nodes in civil 3D but they are not working - windows are not popping up to introduce the inputs.

Does anyone know if data-shapes is working correctly in civil 3D, if nodes below are placed correctly or any other way of asking the user for inputs in this case? Thanks,

Hello you could try Orkestra and it has and ui as well

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Hi @josepobiols25 ,

Your setup with the nodes seems correct, but maybe that “20” input is wrong since it lies outside the range of the keys list, I think it expects the index of 20 (which is 3) and not the value.

Data-Shapes has a lot of dependencies from the Revit API, as per my own experiences, some nodes work and some don’t.

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Hi @sovitek ,

is Orkestra a package for Dynamo? Can’t find it in the browser.

Hi @Daan ,

I tried changing the 20 for a 3, to match the index and not the value itself and is not working or giving any type of error
Maybe it is a problem of compatibility between the package and Civil 3D?

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Hi @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi ,

are data-shape nodes working on civil 3D?

I could not manage to do that.

Pop open the custom node, open up the python node contained therein, and check for any reference to “Revit” as that would prevent execution.

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I had the same problem in C3D 2022.2 (Dyn 2.12).
The problem might have something to do with Python’s version in Data-Shapes.

I tried runing the DropDown Data node with Python2 and CPython3:

Python2 = null:


As you can see, using CPython3 on the DropDown node returns something. However, it is not possible to just use CPython3 for the MultipleInputForm++ node without updating the code.