Data Shape breaks script

I’m beating my head against the wall. My Dynamo script works as a stand alone script. I’ve added Data Shapes and it appears to work. But there are no changes to the element in the schedule. The end of the Data Shape script will show the modification to the element. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you!

Not sure but a list create at red and a get item at index 0 at green might help.

An image is a good start, but if you don’t show the node data then we’re basically in the dark. Share an image with all of the node preview bubbles pinned so we can see what’s actually going on.

As @vanman implied, you might have a data structure issue after the DataShapes node. It returns a list output that you may not be handling in your initial graph.

Nick and Vanman that worked!! Thank you so much! And I apologize for the crappy images. I should have verified them before posting. Here is the final version. I hope it shows up ok.

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