Hi all,
I hope someone can help me here. I am trying to collect data from a linked model and place it in a “live file”.
The situation is like this.
I have an Arch Model with an Elec model linked into it.
The Elect model has items which I want to associate with the doors in Arch model and include in the Arch door schedule.
What I was thinking was to get the doors from the Arch model and create a bounding box, which I have done.
I found all of the family types used in the linked files placed on or next to those doors.
What I don’t know how to do, is ensure the list of Elec items are associated to the relevant door bounding box.
My thought was to collect linked items which sit in or cross door bounding box’s, grab a parameter by name and then place that value into the doors in the Arch model
I tried the BoundingBox.GetElemetsIntersect, however, it does not work with elements from a linked file.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
Yes you can definitely do this using the node LinkElement.OfCategory from the Bimorph package.
However I encountered multiple difficulties when i tried to do something similar using your approach (i wanted to extract the geometry/bounding box of linked pipes)
For example: Geometry location is in different coordinate system in Dynamo than Revit which leads to complications
So I used another approach:
copy the linked elements in your active project using Document.CopyFromLinkInstance
Do the stuff you need with the geometry of those elements
Delete the elements from the active project
I would be happy to share the script if you are interested in this approach
It looks like you haven’t actually given it any elements to check the intersection with. You are also filtering the FamilyTypes and not the FamilyInstances.