Data.ExportToExcel and Filtered Excel Files

Swapping out BumbleBee nodes in some of our scripts and noticed this issue with the Data.ExportToExcel node where its not ignoring filtered rows. I didn’t have this issue previously with BB nodes. In summary, this script takes room information from revit, matches it to a room number in excel and overwrites excel column data w/ revit parameter data based on a room match (not sure if that provides any value).

Here’s the excel side. Marked up on the left is the filtered rows. It’s placing information in L78 due to the filter. It should place at L7 where it’s match occurs.

Here’s how it looks in revit, it should be putting “Boo-shit” (pardon my humor) way further up in the list (L7 where the match occurs (not L77))

Would the “OpenXMLExportExcel” work as intended? I’m having issues w/ that node though will explore further if that offers the solution.

I would move to CSV, and build your excel file to consume the CSV via data link (an excel feature). You’ll have better formatting controls and not have to worry about the great many pains which are excel formatting…