Cutting host family with void from nested shared family

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to cut an opening in a parent family using a void inside a nested shared family (inside the parent family).
I’ve tried using the Element.CutGeometry from the Clockwork package, but it didn’t work as expected. I believe this is because the family that needs to be cut and the cutting family are nested within the same family.
I tried using the node to cut with a family that was not nested and it worked, I also managed to cut the family manually in Revit.
So, what I’m trying to achieve is cutting a solid in a parent family using a void from a nested family.
Has anyone successfully done this or could suggest an alternative node/package/workflow that could make this possible?
Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


I thought I knew what you were doing, but this confused me… So you have a family containing some geometry… There is a shared nested family containing geometry inside it, and you want to cut the family geometry with the shared nested geometry… Is that correct?

You opened Dynamo while you had a Family opened, ran the Clockwork node on 2 bits of geometry in the family and it worked? Is that right? But not when you used the family geometry and the shared nested family geometry?

Sorry just checking :slight_smile:


This is the method which clockwork is using, you see how it uses 2 solids…

The element must be in a project document or in a conceptual model, pattern based curtain panel, or adaptive component family. -or- The element does not meet the condition that it must be solid and must be a GenericForm, GeomCombination, or a FamilyInstance.

This is a Revit workflow issue. Revit won’t allow cutting from a void nested in a separate family, so Dynamo won’t either. Voids need to sit at the same level as the geometry you wish to cut, whether it’s in a family or in a project.

edit for clarity- a (non nested) void in family that doesn’t cut anything in the family can be used to cut project level geometry.

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