Hi All,
I’ve been tasked with attempting to get a curved pattern of different sized perforations on a curtain wall system of standard rectangular panels. Curved pattern denoting different levels of perforation:
We have limited Dynamo experience/knowledge in our company but, I think the process would be something like:
- Create curtain panel family that has multiple ‘intelligent’ perforations
- Somehow make these perforations respond to an image file (size based on brightness)
- Somehow make a wall full of these panels respond to an image file
I can only find videos for scripts that create a single perforation/hole within a panel, rather than a panel having multiple perforations of different sizes, and that panel being part of an entire system that responds in the same way.
This is possibly the closest method to what I need, but I don’t know how to apply this to a panel family within an entire system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tz5bO0CTZo
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
As a start you’ll want to consider how would the panel be segmented to those curves? Are you setting the panel type based on which band the center is in? or which band has the majority of the mass? Something else? Sketching the grid over the top and doing a transparent shade for each panel type will help sort things out.
Unless the intent is that each panel has a unique pattern on it (a different design outcome), in which case most panels will be unique (well, spending on the scale of the image).
Hi Jacob, thanks for responding so quickly.
The intent is for each panel to respond uniquely to the pattern. So each panel will contain a grid of holes, and each of those holes should respond to the colour/brightness of a corresponding pixel of an image (like the one shown) which is the size of an entire wall of those panels.
This might not even be possible, but it seems like it should be!
Is this even possible with Dynamo?
Yes - look into this as one example: Baháʼí House of Worship DR Congo Tiling Automation - Dynamo BIM
I’m still lost in terms of if your panels want to have only one color on them or a gradient or a line in the middle where the curve crosses them though. You’ll need to think that though first, then figure out how you’d manually execute that in the context of Revit, and then finally look into how you’d automate it.