@Daniel_Woodcock1 @sovitek @christian.stan @Dimitar_Venkov I have created a Dynamo script to generate a curved section along a curved path. However, I’m encountering an error and couldn’t resolve it. Could you please help me? I have also attached the script.
Curved section.dyn (141.7 KB)
we need below attach concept view
Whenever you share a screenshot please make sure you’ve included any error messages you’re getting and that you have all the node preview bubbles pinned so that we can see what’s actually going on. Otherwise it’s just a lot of guessing and very little context.
@Nick_Boyts , thanks for your reply. I have attached the error message in the image above.
The error tells you exactly what’s going on. You have coincident points. You only have one point on the curve so shifting indices does nothing.
Hi @Nick_Boyts, I uploaded a screenshot showing all the input nodes with the pinned bubbles preview. Could you please provide a solution for this error? i also attached the dynamo script(dyn file) in original thread.
Like I mentioned, you only have one point from Curve.PointAtParameter
. You can’t create a line with just one point. You haven’t shown where your param
value comes from so we can’t give you any suggestions besides you need to make sure you have more than one point.
You have a list of param
values and a list of curves so the node is matching indices, giving you only one point on the first curve. You need to either use list levels to get each point on each curve or you need to reduce the curves input to just a single object.