Crumple - create floors

yeah filter null out or repair it…try as here and see if it could work


testfloors.dyn (33.1 KB)

Try polycurving, cleaning lists and exploding to the curves in a looped order, curveloops generally need to be drawn that way if i recall correctly. If the polycurves are branching you might need to group curves first maybe so that they sit in curveloops - it’s hard to tell without the dataset/script on hand. As far as I can tell my node works but needs all inputs to be valid.

Little bit further.

I tried the closedloopsfrom curves from (ampersand → you mentioned in another post).

List one has 2 closed loops instead of 1.
Guess that is the problem? Don’t you think?
This happens more times in the lists.

What would be the sollution? Delete the smalles polycurve from list? Or can/need they to be combined?

did you try the sample i shared ? i dont have clean up for null…but should work…if not then i guess we will need your rvt link to go further…

I go clean it up, and go share my stuff :wink:

PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves might help; super fast and out of the box if you’re in a modern build.

That said, people aren’t going to be able to troubleshoot without a dataset, so you might want to clean out everything but the floor geometry (open detached; remove all views including schedules, leaving only one new 3d view; remove all model elements but those defining floors; remove all materials; view templates; links and sheets; replace all floors with a ‘default’ one consisting of the one material for a reasonable thickness; purge unused until nothing more can be purged; clear the project data, and remove all parameters from the file; save as a new file).

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yep :wink: grouped curves is the key here :wink: or if you are in 2023 or older try archilab group curves (guess it first come in 24…if i remember right

Clearing the files up, the error dissapeared, but still not drawing the floors.

with OOTB node floors are modelled (but like before without openingen → opernings are floors)
with crumple node still not modelled.

Hope you can help me out :wink:

constructief.rvt (6.1 MB)
lomans_toevoegenFLOORS_script.dyn (244.7 KB)
Test_VABI_R24_detached.rvt (496 KB)

still was the same :frowning:

Here a download link to the linked file.
When using this file, the NULL errors are present.

BIG linked file

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cheers ;9 i will take a look later…btw which revit ver are you in ?


Thanks in advance :wink:

Working sample file if it helps compare list structures:

Floors.dyn (11.6 KB)
Floors.rvt (492 KB)

I assume the OOTB node works because it assumes each loop is a floor vs using lists of them, which leads me to suspect the root has to lie in list structure being too shallow and/or uneven.


Copy the floors…

This model you provided, it doesn’t use floors as holes but Shaft Openings. They won’t be copied over if you don’t copy them. Leaving only the uncut floors.

You don’t even really need Dynamo then

arhh if the case is shaft…then its probably best copy as mention…or you could get the element sketch from them and get the offset,host parameter and extrude as solid and use a difference for create holes…

Thank you all for all the info.
I am going to think about it, what is best to do.

I want to make a script to help user to quickly prepare a model and export the model to IFC, so the IFC can be imported in a calculation program. I am writing the script now for a linked architectual and/or construction model made in Revit. Lateron I want to expand the script, so it can also be used for models made in other programms then Revit.
The calculation programm we use for (heating- / cooling calculation for the bulding) needs ONLY and not more than the following items:

  • basic floors
  • basic walls
  • windows (family)
  • spaces

My scripts to use will be:

  • script for copy levels from selected linked file (script done already)
  • script for copy floors from selected linked file (script under construction :wink: )
  • script for adding exterior walls on levels (script done already)
  • script for copy windows and place them with right dimensions in exterior walls (script done already)
  • script for adding spaces and names copied from selected linked file (script not started with yet)

When I know how to get further / my script is ready I will come back in this topic and inform you :wink:

Ah you’re prepping the model for SolarLux? I believe you won’t even really need the walls etc then and just create simple Geometry.

But I think your whole macro approach or strategy seems a bit off. You can export the IFC with more simplified settings and see what you get in the software.
Actually I would just use the rooms / spaces boundaries to generate everything. Then make sure to assign geometry that are windows as such.

OR better yet, outsource the calculations of the software through Dynamo instead?

Hi @Bogey which softvare is it for calculation ? probably one there support gbxml, so you could try create an analytical model and export to gbxml…if it support that…sometimes i do a simplified model for PowerBI etc for calc area and orientation (true north)…only with floors, walls,doors,windues surface created with dynamo…could probably be an option as well…not sure…

The software we use to make calculations is VABI-elements.

Hi Rene I dont know that software, but it seems it both support IFC and gbxml, but as they write sometimes revit fail with export to gbxml (not watertight)