Crop Region - Graphics Override - question about package use

Hej everyone,

I’m trying to override the crop region of views. I want the script to identity if the crop region applies to that view (is shown) and then to change the line pattern.


  • identify parameter - “Crop Region Visible”, true or false, Filter by true, remove if floor plan, element overrideInView, override graphic settings.

I’d really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction, not necessarily solve it (Since i’m learning)
Also python script is far to advance for me at this level and I only have Clockwork package installed to keep the packages to a minimum.
I understand there is a node in Rhythm package to get the crop region, however it was once explained to me that it is best to try to solve a script using as little packages as possible, I’d love to hear your opinions about this.

Is the element override in view the wrong node to use?

Thank you for your time.