Crop box BoundingBox meaning

How can we set crop box from the begining of create a view?
I got that Z of Minpoint is the Far clip distance
So How can we get X & Y because I feel they are not a location point in 3D model. It relates to a “invisible” center point of view (which we get from View.BoxCenter node)


Hey Jin,

I’m not sure what your issue is. I think their is a English grammar problem.

But here is some explanation of Dynamo / Revit terminology:

Cropbox = contours of a view of the 3D elements. It is a 2,5D element within the Project Coordination system. (Same space where you draw your 3D elements)
Viewport = contours of a view on a sheet. This will also be around all the annotations (spot elevations, dimensioning, tags etc) that you have around your view

If you want the X&Y of a cropbox I suggest the Crumple package for Dynamo. It can get the Cropbox curves:

Notice that you will have to convert your curves to polyCurves first, you can use a node such as:

Another method
You can also not get the cropbox at all and set the Cropbox based on your own created curves.
I have a script that grabs the contours of a Curtain Wall and the sets + offsets the Cropbox around them.

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