Creating voids in dynamo geometry

Am I missing something or is there no way to create voids in dynamo geometry. I know I can create voids as Form.ByLoftCrossSections and using a false Boolean within revit. But if I want to manipulate geometry I’m working with in the dynamo engine how would I do this? So as an example I’ve produced a Polysurface.BySweep and now want to void bits of this geometry out according to other parameters I’ve set. Once happy with the outcome I will then use the ImportInstance.ByGeometry node to view the result within the Revit window as I currently don’t need native Revit elements as such.


maybe that is what you are looking for.

don’t forget to turn of the preview of the base geometries :wink:

b1 b2

perfect Solid.Difference was the node I was after. thanks

Hi Peter.
Can i get these images in full size? I cant see what you have done there. I am stuck in the same problem as mark is

unfortunately no!
it is 5 years since the post and i do not keep pics that long