Hello, im trying to make a grading surface in dynamo, i read somewhere that dynamo dont create grading surfaces, but, im going with a diferent focus, creating 3 surfaces:
Surface A:one on the top wich boundary has an offset in the plane “XY” and is in the terrain level
Surface B:one on the bottom wich have no offset in plane “XY” and is “Z” under the terrain level
Surface C:one make by the borders of the surface A and B , this would be the grading surface.
So i have two questions, when i create a polysurface in dynamo using the borders of A and B the result is the next one:
the image of the borders with no surface between them.
the image of the grading surface created by polySurface.byLoft
So, thats the result i wanna make appear in civil 3d, my problem is, and is happening to me constanly , when i want to join the surfaces of the polysurface this error always appear.
if is not the case, and i want to make appear the polysurface in civil exactly like appears in dynamo i read in some post that the only way is creating cogo points and then a cogo group and at last a tinsurface, but as you cas see if i do that the triangles are gonna appear really messed in the civil 3d
My next step would be combine my surface B and surface C, but i dont find a node in dynamo what allows me to do that and skipp the creating cogo step.
then, my questions would be: if there any way to make my surface C appear like in my dynamo “grading” surface C image, and , there is a node who allows me to paste tin surface in dynamo to surfaces in the model?
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My language English bad …
As Idea
Create surface a by border a
Create surface b by border b
Use method surface.paste
Add border a as hide
Hi @diego.palero,
Check out the Camber package. It has lots of nodes for surfaces that might be helpful. For example, there is a node for pasting surfaces.
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jajajaja, it is not my native language , ok, so i check the code and create a script using that code as a base, im gonna give it a shot, thanks.
awesome, thanks, im gonna check that package right away.
Hey @zachri.jensen, pardon me if I am posting in the wrong section, but I recently installed the Camber package as there are some functionalities I would like to incorporate into our workflows.
However, I don’t see all the nodes that you have shown here.
Also, Dynamo throws me an error as such after the installation.
Please advice on how to get the best use of the package.
Thanks in advance.
@ab.chakraborty - you’ll need to install the latest updates for your version of Civil 3D.
@mzjensen Thanks for the response.
Just a clarifying question here. Do you mean the latest version of Civil 3D or Dynamo?
I am running C3D 2022 but I do have an up-to-date version of Dynamo installed. Snip below:

@zachri.jensen right. Will try to have 2023 installed as I have seen Camber working fine on it.
You can stick with 2022 if you want, you just need to install the 2022.1 update at a minimum.
Hello @zachri.jensen, thank you very much for your amazing work. When I use TINSurface.ByName the settings for the command CreateSurface are ignored. I need to allow crossing breaklines and I have to do that manually for 200 surface I created via dynamo. Is there a solution for that?
This is what I need:
This i what the node creates:
Thank you in advance!
Hi @bano35R3K,
I don’t think there is a way to honor the settings for surface creation, unfortunately. But you could just set that property for the surfaces after they are created. That will require an API call in a Python node. Are you familiar with how to do that?
Thank you for your reply @zachri.jensen. I am a bit familiar with python node but do not know how to make an API call. Could you provide me a hint or an example?
Thank you for the hint @zachri.jensen. I watched your session here 29 - Dynamo and Civil 3D's API - YouTube and got into the topic. For anyone having the same task here is the coding you need in python.
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