Creating tag for plumbing fixtures at locked 3d Views

Dear Experts,
i am facing big problem on creating tag for the plumbing fixture elements at the 3d View.
There are a lot of package installed on computer. Only Create Tag node from Genius Loci added tag to the element, however added tag type was not what i was selected as input. Also as a output was giving error, not giving possibility to choose and change tagged element type.

Using Revit 2023.


Are you sure your tag type is correct ?
Can you provide a stripped sample Revit file ?

Dear Alban,
thanks for prompt feedback.
Please find:
Test.rvt (5.7 MB)

Also sharing dynamo script with you:
112233.dyn (68.4 KB)

This works well for me.
Make sure you have installed a recent version of the Genius Loci package.

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Thanks a lot.