Creating spaces for mep elements

when i create spaces in mep model after linking arch model i face this problem and after this i can’t make them read the room naming from arch model ?

i need any one to help me to create them !!!

Hi seems you have some not valid rooms try filter them out first datashapes have a node roomstatus as work on linked rooms as well

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sorry i don`t understand what u said sir !!

arhh sorry just think something here…

where can i found room status node ?


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why this happen after creating spaces ??

yes you have non valid / unplaced rooms thats why you should filter them out first with the roomstaus from datashapes our have a talk with your architect if you have unbounded rooms :wink:

im sorry for annoying but i can`t find this node in data-shapes

No worries…but please dont create duplicate post…so please delete the other one or this one here…

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