Creating Section Views From Parts - Dynamo


I am trying to create a view of a part using dynamo.
I am using the following example as pseudo guide -

My trouble arises in the fact that the curves that make up my part are not closed (whereas for the intended use in the link, the curves always form a closed loop), see below:

The script fails at the poly curve join command. This node is then utilized to send data down stream to see how wide the element is via the boudning box command.

Is there any way good way to filter the “internal curves” out of the curve data? I am not sure how to do this though.

The way to correct this is to completely bypass the polycurve portion of the script, but it yields a section that is exactly the width of the part in question

Is there any post processing I can do after the section creation to widen the view?


You leave the computer for 5 mins and something triggers in your brain.

Sometimes it’s the easy stuff that slips the mind:

Added a plus and minus too the input max and mins.

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