Creating Railings Along a Path in Dynamo Script

I’m currently working on a Dynamo script for creating railings along a specific path, and I could really use some assistance. Here’s a quick rundown of what I’m trying to achieve:

  1. select the floor face that the railing will be placed on
    2)obtain the perimeter polycurve of that face.
    3)locate the positions of doors on the floor by extracting their insertion points. I plan to represent each door with a circle
    4)create openings for the doors in the floor polycurve, I aim to generate polygons using the width of each door as a reference.
    I need to figure out a way to trim the floor polycurve using the intersecting lines formed by the door polygons.

that’s where I’m currently stuck and in need of guidance. If any of you have experience or insights on how to accomplish this in Dynamo, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Any suggestions, tips, or sample scripts would be incredibly valuable.