Creating filters from excel


I have a problem with creating filters from excel. I get two errors, the second is probably due to the first. Anyone know what im doing wrong?

What package are those two nodes from? Not sure how those are setup, but when using the OOTB Revit FilterRule.ByRuleType node, you have to provide an actual instance of an element parameter and not just the parameter name. So your node may be looking for the same thing.

This is orchid package version

and this my file dyn and excel.

WORKSETY.xlsx (22.1 KB)
Worksety z excelaV3.dyn (30.1 KB)

Is it possible to create a filter with only the name of the parameter? I want to create a list of worksets in excel and, based on this list, add filters to these worksets to revit.

Hi @seba11 …probably something could help :wink: btw you had some issue in your excel…think you have empty cells…

You can use the Revit node Parameter.ParameterByName to filter to the specific parameter. Below is an example. Pull all elements of a category that contains the parameter and go from there.