Creating Filled Region on Solid geometry footprint


I wanted to subtract the furniture area from the Room Area. I am trying to place filled region on furniture footprint and then subtract the this area from Room area.
I am able to getting furniture solid geometry but failed to placed filled region on Solid geometry footprint

Does anyone have a suggestion about how I can do this?
Thanks in advance.



Perhaps you could do this similar to shadow studies, using a project onto surface method. Your vector will be the -z axis instead of the sun angle though.

You could try to import the furniture’s solid geometry (slow), pull put all the vertex information, build a convex hull from that, and create the regions from the resulting polygons:

Doesn’t work too well with curved elements tho. You might need to provide additional intermediate vertices on the edges for those.

Im a little curious about the what is it for?
If it’s to calculate areas it will be much easier to simply write an area parameter to the family and substract it from the room area

Even going that route the advice previously shared is helpful, as it’s hard to calculate the floor area for any single piece. They are often curved and twisted and bent in ways which make pulling surface area hard to do.

Still sounds much easier to do to me in a family then through an entire project.
Not mentionning how faster the whole process will be