Creating detail lines base on centerline of glass walls

I am a beginner in dynamo and just created few scripts. I need help on creating detail lines on specific views on revit. The detail lines should have an offset of 62mm on both sides from the glass wall centerline. Can anyone help me to know what are the proper nodes to use on the script? Thanks a lot.


Welcome to the community! I suggest you to check out our forum guidelines to find answer quickly.

Firstly you need to get the location of the glass wall in Dynamo with Element.GetLocation and then you can use Curve.Offset or Geometry.Translate to copy the lines. At the end you need to use DetaillCurve.ByCurve node.

Check this post for an example.

I am actually even getting errors on Element.GetLocationwhen I am filtering the type of walls needed.
Thank you for your response

You need to get the location of wall elements, not wall types. That might be the problem.

Hi @shawn.m4QP44 probably something here, if we talk curtain walls


I think it is exactly like this. I’ll try this. Thank you so much.

may i know what package is the element.geometry fixer?

yes sure .synthezise toolkit

thank you

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sorry, the node element.geometry fixer wasnt appearing on synthesize toolkit. Is it the original node name?

yes synthesize toolkit. when you install that you first install synthesize toolkit. inside there is an installer for download/install synthezise legacy and there you will find them…hope it make sense

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Alright. Thank you so much for your help!