Creating Curves for Walls

  1. You’ll need to create a bound line. That means it’ll have a fixed start and end points. Unbound lines are indefinitely long. Consider reusing the dynamo geometry instead of re-constructing new geometry from scratch. After you create a line in dynamo, you can then convert it to a Revit curve with the .ToRevitType() method. You’ll learn more about that from the link at the bottom.

  2. Revit works in feet internally, so your wall might end up being very long. (1000 feet! )

  3. Try to use Dynamo’s built in transaction manager until you get a hand of how transactions work. You’ll find more example on this and other python related stuff here:

4)Consider wrapping the wall element at the end so that you don’t end up creating duplicates every time you re-run the graph.

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