Creating conduits and cable runs in cable trays (MEPover package)

Hi guys,

I wanted to make a script in dynamo, that would first create a lines in selected cable trays and then create conduit or cable runs in them in REVIT, according to the line paths…

It seems i can make it create the lines, but it just wont create the conduits.

Please, could you help me troubleshoot what could be wrong?

Thank you kindly in advance

Try all element of type instead of unique items, and then get the conduit type by get at index

Thank you for the suggestion!

Seems the conduit type is good now, looking at the “Watch” command.

But there are still nulls in the “Conduit.ByLines” command.

allright…and try feed in a level seems you feed in a parameter…you could see if it work just with ootb node levels.

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Oh okay, i tried to feed it with “Levels” node and it works!

Thank you for your input, greatly appreciated!

Its far from done, but this is one step further to finishing it, thanks again! :smiling_face:

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Hey, i just see you script, try to feed your margins to have Elbow

Could you please share with us this script

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Hi @ondrej.rudolf, do you mind share the picture of your nodes? I need to understand the nodes before the curve.