Creating adaptive family with Dynamo


I am an engineering student, just started with Dynamo. I am trying to connect a panel (a 4-point adaptive family) to a structural grid within Dynamo. It seems to me that Dynamo won´t connect the panel to all four points, but only one. The structure is a line of points in the X-plane, combined with a Sine function in the Z-plane, then rotated about the origin,

Any suggestions to this?


You’ll need a nested list of points with (in your case) 4 points in each sublist:


One way to generate the right number of points is to create a loft surface (maybe you must use a transpose node for the point order) and use from the Lunchbox Package the UV Grid Node.

I think, on Youtube I saw a video on this topic, from AutodeskED: Youtube 4points grid


P.S.: Why is the forum-software so horrible?