Creating a sheet from current view

I am very new to dynamo, so I wanted to make a simple script to understand it better.
The script is supposed create a sheet with the view im standing in, as well as give it the same name.

I am having problems with the following:

  1. Every time I run the script, it keeps overwriting the previous sheet that i just made. Is it possible to fix?
  2. And maybe this might be the reason it keeps overwriting. I am having trouble creating a RNG/addative solution (01, 02, 03…) for the SheetNumber. (The Sheet number is supposed to be a placeholder, before i actually get to name it)

I hope this forum can help! :slight_smile:
Best Regards

Dynamo has something inbuilt to stop you running the script and creating 1000s of items. So if you run it again it deletes whatever you created on the previous run (this is over simplified but you get the gist).

Dynamo Player doesn’t do this.

Getting 1, 2, 3 try adding a range.
So type 1…5 into the codeblock instead of just 1

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This was very helpful, thank you very much:)

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