Create walls from Cad link lines

Thank you! yes I went with it, but the node is giving me an empty list, I set the margin to 0.3m while the unit in the revit project its meter,

With sublists of lines, use list level or longest lacing on the GroupByDistance node.

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svp,le noeud Line.GroupByParallel il est dans quel package ?


Use the Group Parallel Lines node of the Genius Loci package instead.

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hi , please
why these errors
nobody help me to solve

Hello…seems like you need the latest version for bimorph and need to install Spring and genius Loci package

Buenos dias a todos, quisiera sacar una linea eje entre dos lineas paralelas, aguine me podria ayudar a resolver dicha dura, agradezco mucho el apoyo.

Hello everyone and many thanks to @Alban_de_Chasteigner

my script works, but I have got a problem with some walls, I had created a simple geometry with all 200mm walls and in four cases the script selects the interior face.

I think it’s because you are getting the maximum item from the curve lengths. Look which lines are longest in those groups.

  1. You can get longest lines in Parallel Group.( Line1)
  2. Getting 2nd longest lines in Parallel Group.(Line2)
  3. Getting StartPoint from line1 (Spt1) and line2 (Spt2).
  4. Use Points.Midpoint Node for Spt1 and Spt2 => Get Mid Points
  5. Use “Line.XYOffset” Node (Springs Package) for creating a line with a point(Mid Points) and distance(Use DistanceTo Node: Distance between Line1 and Line2. Don’t forget: output/2). The Output is also the Center Lines between Line1 and Line2.
    Hope useful for you.
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Hi Alban,
I have Springs package but its not showing Geometry.GroupBy Distance?
can you help me?


hi, im trying to do same workflow but i faced some errors could you please help me

try to change the margin in the “GroupByDistance” node from 25 to 150

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hi, it worked but I got issue with wall location why it’s been drawing with centerline location, I selected exterior but it doesn’t work

Hi Alban
Hope your are doing well,
Do you have any reference script for placing the doors and windows as per linked cad plan

HI Alban
Thank you for the script
I have developed the script as per your attached image, after running the script in some areas walls are not aligned with the linked cad plan as shown in below image
Please review and solve my issue it was very helpful for me.

Hello @abdallahzakaria e @Alban_de_Chasteigner . I’ve read and reread, I’ve made several attempts but I couldn’t. Can you help me with my graph? I can’t find the error but mine doesn’t even find the DWG lines, the lines are null.

Teste paredes dwg.dyn (30.8 KB)

You need to insert the AutoCAD layer names as well so the node knows where to look for the lines

did you check the layer names input?

Where do I put this information? It hasn’t worked yet