Create walls by curve and levels

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to make a wall between all my levels in my model. I have 2 different blocks with different amount of levels. How can I make it so that the List Levels align that they automatically stop generating walls beyond the block height?

For floors I did something similar succesfully, but I used a Element copy after creating only the top floors. and then filtering the levels below them.

So basically I have 2x2 lists
block A - 4 curves per level
block B - 4 curves per level

levels 1 to 30 for Block A
levels 1 to 5 for block B

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mass omzetten_5_facade walls_2_2022-09-24_11-23-33


here is a potential solution

25 septembre forum anglais.dyn (229.4 KB)


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There are some great nodes in that script for sure. But what if I have 3 blocks? Anyway I gave up with the levels and managed to fix it with just creating the walls by height, then element copy, then setting all walls to the next level. :grimacing:
Not my favorite solution, but it was effective.