Create wall as a pieces

Ok, but why many walls, why not one? Certainly the route I would go… still not sure what will hold up the floating bits as the design is made into a reality, but I guess you’ve got a plan for that.

In any case:

  1. Read the DWG line work. Lots of ways to do this, a plethora of forum posts to choose from.
  2. Generate the polycurves using a PolyCurve.ByGroupedCurves node.
  3. For each PolyCurve, generate a wall. They’ll overlap but I don’t thing it will be an issue.
  4. Apply the walls’s profile sketch. For this there are a few of posts on this topic, but this one usually gets people squared away: Sketch Lines - Edit, Copy, Paste. Note that the profile will need to be enabled, which is shown in a screenshot of some Python near the end.

Give it a shot, and post files if you are stuck.