I am trying to create views from levels and put them on a sheet from Excel, but I have a Pyhton node, that dose’nt work properbly.
the script is sometimes working, and it looks like, that the information from excel i correct.
Can anyone help me?
I am trying to create views from levels and put them on a sheet from Excel, but I have a Pyhton node, that dose’nt work properbly.
the script is sometimes working, and it looks like, that the information from excel i correct.
Can anyone help me?
Can you show the Python code and your inputs? It looks like you have a null or empty list somewhere.
If you could, please copy and paste your Python code as preformatted text so others can try it without having to retype it all This post here is a gif showing how you can post it as preformatted text
It seems that your error is with the Titleblock input. Can you show what you are inputting into the IN[2] port on your Python code?
Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.
Is there another way, so I can Show you the Python Code?
You don’t need to provide a link to share a Python code, just copy it from the Python node, paste it here, select the code text and hit the </> symbol. I typed it up from the Python code from the screenshot you posted above:
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
sheetnames = IN[0]
sheetnumbers = IN[1]
titleblock = UnwrapElement(IN[2]) #unwrapped titleblock
sheetlist = list()
TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(doc) # you need an active transaction as you will create elements
for number in range(len(sheetnumbers)):
newsheet = ViewSheet.Create(doc, titleblock.Id) # create a new sheet where titleblock.Id is the id of the tileblock
newsheet.Name = sheetnames[number]
newsheet.SheetNumber = sheetnumbers[number]
OUT = sheetlist
It works properly on my end; based on the error you showed in your post, I believe you are giving the node an incorrect input on IN[2]; This is what your inputs should be (IN[0] = list of sheet names, IN[1] = list of sheet numbers, IN[2] = titleblock family type)
Double check that your inputs are correct and try running it again; if it is still giving you an error, post a screen capture of your graph with your inputs showing