is there a method to place spaces within Dynamo on the locations that has rooms, or alternatively (and more ideally) at wall bounded areas as Revit does (see bellow picture).
This is one of the tedious processes that seems to be a ideal job for Dynamo to tackle. Sadly i have no initial dynamo setup as i am unaware how to start on this (other then listing all the rooms available)
i am stuck with placing spaces . I managed to steal some code from a previous post and adjust it to create spaces.
Ideally i would use the locations x,y,& Z instead of the level input, in order to place all spaces within the project… Fiddling around with the code did not work so far.
i tried to adjust:
for item in uvs:
uv=UV(item.X,item.Y)—> uv=UV(item.X,item.Y,item.Z) …+ adjusting the code further
levels=level[i] …+ adjusting the code further
seems no fruitful approach, help would be appreciated
Afraid i am not much of help on this. using a direct z- coordinate did not work for me (yet).
For now, you might have to convert your z-axis values to levels in order to correctly place the spaces if your parameters consists of the x,y&z location of your desired space.
This allows you to make use of Dimitar’s approach.