Create Rebar Container

Hi all

Apparently I’m doing something wrong to create a simple Rebar Container.

Can someone put me in the right direction












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I have tried to do the same, but I have not been successful, I hope someone can help me to achieve it. THANK YOU

The problem is that there is no Element Wrapper for Rebar in Dynamo, thus it’s wrapped as “unknown element”. See the issue here:

If you want this implemented you can add a wish for it here:

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Hi, I understand that it is not possible to do it for bars modeled since revit.
What I have been doing is to add a quantity parameter to edit it manually so when I place the tags I identify the quantity, there is some way that allows me to automate that process and another way to do it since I have had some errors when I put the wrong number Of the amount

Also I can not use the fixe number because it has different spacing between bars.