Create Project Parameter from Component List


Möchte aus der Raumliste einen Projektparameter erstellen für einen Topstempel.
Das bedeutet ich das ich zu aus der Gesamtfläche je Top einen Parameter Wohnnutzfläche erstellen möchte.
Kann mir jemand Unterstützung geben wie ich das angehen könnte.
Habe leider mit Dynamo noch keine Erfahrung.

Would like to create a project parameter from the room list for a top deadline.
This means I would like to create from the total area per top a parameter residential area.
Can someone give me support as I could tackle it.
Have unfortunately with Dynamo yet no experience.

(Translation by @jacob.small)

project parameter-from-component-list-create

Would like to create a project parameter from the room list for a top deadline.
This means I would like to create from the total area per top a parameter residential area.
Can someone give me support as I could tackle it.
Have unfortunately with Dynamo yet no experience.

The forum’s official language is English, so I have used google translate to change the text to the official language. It’s not that this is superior to German, but it helps to keep every bit of information more easily accessible to everyone by using a single language. So if you could try to keep your responses in that so we can all be sure to keep things referral even to everyone else.

You appear to have no dynamo experience, and be on a tight deadline, so I would express caution before proceeding on this route. If it fails you could do more damage than help. Detach the model and test on that instead of the love model.

Every piece you touch you will need to own so no one else can be updating rooms when you’re in it. Once it works kick the rest of the office out for five minutes while you do the magic.

First I would make the parameter in the job. Don’t try and make dynamo do more than you need since this is a first try. Then you want to get the rooms, likely by using a categories node and an all elements of category node. You can filter this list as needed afterwards based on the parameter values gathered using an Element.GetParameterValueByName node and a List.FilterByBoolMask node.

Second, get the value from whatever element or elements which you are looking to assign to the rooms. Do this using a selection method (reusing the all elements of category is common, again with a List.FilterByBoolMask as needed after that).

Once you have the values, you need to assign them to the respective room or rooms. The right method for sorting these will depend on what data and how you want to move it. A common method is grouping by stuff contained inside in a room’s boundaries and summing them, using the Room.Boundaries node, PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves node, polyline containment test node, and a List.GroupByKey node.

Once you have the data sorted right, you just have to use an Element.SetParameterByName node to assign the Values to the parameter.

It sounds like a lot, because it is. This isn’t an easy ‘first time out’ script, and it will test your patience. The community will help out, but you’ll have to post back in English, try some dynamo ok your own, and be as specific as you can with the places you get stuck. Use images (upload to imgur or something if you can’t get them here), and post actual files (google drive, Dropbox etc if you can’t post here).

Best of luck.