Create Piping isomteric diagram from revit using dynamo


As a reminder the purpose of the forum is to get help with your graph authoring efforts, not seeking full solutions. Please post an attempt of your own stopping where you get stuck, and provide the necessary files (rvt and dyn) so that others who want to help have a common starting point. Short of that the full ask is for someone to have gone through or to go through the following steps, where if step 1 is off step 4 is potentially invalidated:

  1. Guess which version of Revit you’re in
  2. Guess what the isometric diagram should look like
  3. Build or find a rvt of a pump station with piping
  4. Build the graph which does the view creation, and annotations

If you’re really stuck with starting the .dyn, this node will likely help: Dynamo Dictionary

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