Create Opening In Floor Using SetLocation

I am trying to create opening in floor using the Element.SetLocation node which requires the element and curves.
What is the input form of the curves, outer curve for floor and inner curve for opening, which the node expects?

I tried the list of lines that received from the surface node, I tried a list of polycurves (outer curve and inner curve) and can’t manage to get it to work.

Create Openings In Floor By Intersection Floor.dyn (29.5 KB)

The SetLocation node will only work for elements that have a location. Sketch based elements (like floors or openings) need to be redrawn. You already have an opening so you should just need to modify the existing sketch, or you can always create a new opening in place of the existing one. The latter is probably easier in most cases.

Springs package has an Opening.InFloorByCurves node that will create a new floor opening.