Create Materials with Appearance color value using GeniusLoci package

Hi, I’m trying to redo the same thing as you, and I manage to achieve the same results in the English version, however in the French version I have major difficulties with making everything work.
I’m guessing it should be the “generic_diffuse” part that needs to be translated from the english to the french, but I cannot find what I should replace it with.
I don’t know python at all, I can guess how things work but idk where I could find the library of objects when I have such questions, can anyone points me in the right direction?

Regarding the other Dynamo librariers, I tried both Orchid and Genius Loci, and I’m having problems at the same point, when I need to change the colors of the material appearance asset, I have no idea how to do it, cause the language changes the labels I should put in…