Create floor by room, how

CreateFloor.dyn (33.3 KB)


I stuck for any reason, so finaly it is not creating my floors based on my script, why?


Project1_2022.rvt (1.6 MB)

What error do the Room.BoundaryCurves and Floor.ByOutline (?since the node names are not readable?

Are the Curves of the Rooms 1 single loop?
Are they not intersecting?
Are they joinable into a single PolyCurve PolyCurveByJoinedCurves

I think there must be something from with the rooms (happens most of the time)
I cant open you model myself, since I dont have Revit 2022 yet. Do you have a 2021 version?

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Are the Curves of the Rooms 1 single loop?
-they are single loops
Are they not intersecting?
-they do not intersect
Are they joinable into a single PolyCurve PolyCurveByJoinedCurves

I think there must be something from with the rooms (happens most of the time)
I cant open you model myself, since I dont have Revit 2022 yet. Do you have a 2021 version?
-when i find time a can create a project in 2021
Projekt_room.rvt (372 KB)

Your List.IndexOf node is trying to look for indices of rooms in a list of floors’ keynotes. You need to have similar data types for this nodes to cross check between lists.


Maybe this might help… this is the method I use.

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