Create filterRule to filter sections by sheet number

I’m trying to create rule-based filters that would hide all sections not placed on a specific sheet.

I have created an elementary graph with OOTB nodes only, performing roughly the following routine:

  1. Collect all views in project (the sample project contains two sections only, each assigned to a different sheet, so no furher processing is needed)
  2. Collect the parameter Sheet Number for each view and create a FilterRule of type NotEqual based on the parameter value.
  3. Create a ParameterFilterElement for each rule for the category Sections.

At step 3, I get a warning and nothing happens

The sample project contains one manually created filter which works as desired. Is it possible to create such a filter with OOTB nodes or with the API?
sheetNumberFilter_BySections.dyn (39.1 KB)
testModel_SectionFilters.rvt (432 KB)