Hello everyone! I am very new to Dynamo, made only few very simple scripts, but currently got busy by creating conduits using Dynamo and need some serious help!)

The Situatuon is:
-I got two elements with connectors, for example electric socket and elbow.

The Problem is:
-I want to create conduit between their connectors.
Or not between their connectors, maybe there is another way to create conduit between 2 elements and connect them to each other.

The possible solution:
The closest approache to the solution of my problem that I found:
Node from MEPover called Pipe.ByConnectors. But there is no Node for conduits. I am pretty sure, that node for Pipe can be easily corrected to work for Conduits, the python script seems pretty simple, and just needs slight addjustment, but with my knowledge of python its impossible.
If someone could help me with this stuff it would be great! Or maybe solution is already made, but I cant find it.
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Actually there is no conduit by connectors methode available in the Revit API, so it is not possible to convert that code to suit your needs.
If you can show what elements you want to connect and how their connectors are set up then we might be able to help, I think you can still accomplish what you want via another route.
Thank you for your reply!! now I understand why my attemts are not working.
The idea is to get connection like on image.
As you can see, connectors are line up, have the same diameter.
What another route can I think of, to get what I need?
PS. If I got it right, you had a hand in creating this package! If it is so, Well done! It’s very helpful!
Thanks, good to hear the package is of use to people 
Here is an option for doing something like this. Although I must admit that is a lot of work for getting a single conduit to connect to a fitting and an outlet.
Conduit between elements.dyn (25.1 KB)
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Very nice, I tried ByLines a little, but worked kinda bad for me, or even didnt work) In your hands its just fine, I got the Idea! 
If its the best and easiest way, to make this connection, I will try to acomplish my next goals.
Thanks alot!
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Perhaps you could instead use the Origin property of the connectors (which returns an XYZ) and then use those in the Conduit.Create() method–although I don’t think this would create any bends so I’m not sure how you would be able to automate that part.
06-0_BIMACON_Inserir Luvas em eletrodutos emenda Laje-Parede_R04.dyn (219.5 KB)
Estou usando uma rotina para inserir luvas a uma determinada altura, porém ela desconecta os conduites dos dispositivos de iluminação (iluminação elétrica).
Gostaria muito de reconectar os conduites aos equipamentos elétricos (tomadas e interruptores) porém não está conectando. Haveria outra forma de fazer?
How do you get those nodes?