Create Columns from CAD file with the same orientation

I already written the code. I tried the mentioned technique but for point (5), it is a closed loop!

I tried another method for getting cad line orientation and make the rotation but some column ( 1 or 2 ) have the wrong angle!

Is there another technique for that?

hi can you send the dynamo file plz

hi where i can find element.byidstring

hi where i can find element.byidstring

could you please share the code it would help alot

With a linked CAD file, the simpler is to use the CAD Block node from the Genius Loci package.
Here is a example :


seems to be sth wrong with it!!

Indeed if there are no blocks in your DWG it will not work.
In the first posts of this topic, mention is made of blocks.

Continuing the discussion from Create Columns from CAD file with the same orientation:

1- Used BimorphNodes to retrieve the Column polyline data
2- Created vector using start and endpoint
3- Angle of rotation was determined using Vector.AngleAboutAxis
4- element.setparameterbyname node used to assign extracted angle from previous step to parameter “Cross-Section Rotation” to all elements of category “Structural Columns”

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Great. please share your script it will be very helpfull for me.

@ abdallahzakaria

element.byidstring node which package

It’s from “Chynamo” Package

thank you can you send to me last script which adjust columns rotation

Hey Abdallahzakaria, Is it possible to send/upload the working script?

good job, could you share the script?

how to know what application pack do we need?

what about the orientation and duplicating families. I used this script to place the columns it worked but just for placing columns at right place.
Can you help me out for orientation and family.

greeting ,
kindly , check this post

Thank you @HaniTartour i will check it.

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