I have a script to place columns from AutoCAD file, I don’t know what went wrong with the rotation.
do you have any idea to fixe it?
Uploading: Columns from CAD_End.rvt…
Columns from CAD.dwg (124.2 KB)
Columns from autocad.dyn (206.2 KB)
Can you show some screenshots? makes it a bit easier for people to get a first impression instead of downloading the files. screenshot of the result, the dynamo script and dyour dwg would be fine.
the items encircled should be rotated howmany degrees?
You can try with the Element SetRotation node of the Genius Loci package instead of the OOTB FamilyInstance.SetRotation node.
@Ali.maher you are feeding a null value to the last node, try to fix these then check again
you should start solving it from the right, the value inserted into this node leads to a “null” value. because of that it wont do any of the staps after that.